Housing Policy of Tinteán
Download Application
Applicants are assessed according to any or all of the following indicators:
- Applicants who are homeless or shelter less.
- Applicants whose names are on the Local Authority Housing Lists, or who have statutory rights to be housed.
- Applicants who because of age, infirmity, ill-health, overcrowding, unfit housing conditions, or other irremediable causes, find their present living circumstances particularly distressing.
- Applicants who are householders, or whose families own the houses in which the applicants are the sole occupiers, may be considered if the applicants or their families cover the local contribution of the cost, provided that the applicant would otherwise qualify under 3 above.
- The need for proper housing will be the over-riding factor in Tintean’s assessment.
- The ability of the applicant to live harmoniously with other tenants will be a factor in assessing the application.
Where the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government has provided 100% of the capital funding, the Local Authority has 100% nomination rights for vacancies that occur.
Nominations are made as set out in the Code of Practice for AHB Allocations.
Where the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government has provided 95% of the capital funding, the Local Authority has 75% nomination rights for vacancies that occur.
In cases where Tinteán has the nomination rights, the following will apply:
Vacancies are notified to the public through the placement of an advert in the local newspaper, notification on our website and through our social media outlets.
Applicants can download an application form and must apply in writing before the notified closing date.
Applications are then assessed and shortlisted for consideration.
Tinteán will appoint an Allocations Sub Committee to interview the shortlisted applicants in their current accommodation.
The Committee will rate the applicants in order of suitability and make recommendations to the Board of Tinteán.
The Board will consider the recommendations and make an offer to the selected applicant. Should the applicant decline the offer, the next applicant on the list will then be offered the tenancy.
In the event of another vacancy arising within six months, the applicants will be notified and offered in order of preference.
Frequently Asked Questions
Applying for a Tinteán home
What are the criteria for applying to Tinteán?
To apply you must be on the housing list of Carlow Local Authorities.
If you are, simply fill in an application form (download it or collect from the Tinteán office) and return it Tinteán. A member of our staff will then contact you.
What age criteria apply?
All applicants must be over aged 18 years or over.
How is my differential rent calculated?
Tinteán tenants are legally obliged to pay rent. The income received through rent payment is used to secure the future repair needs and the ongoing management of dwellings and tenancy management issues.
The rent tenants pay is determined by the housing scheme under which the unit has been made available to the resident and the local authority in which the unit is located. These are termed “differential rent policies”.
For example, where Tinteán owns a property under the Capital Loan Subsidy Scheme, the Tinteán Differential Rent Policy applies.
Alternatively, where Tinteán owns a property under the CALF Scheme, the Local Authority Differential Rent Policy applies. The following is a brief overview of the various scheme types, alongside the differential rent policy applied in each instance.
There are three rent schemes operating for Tinteán tenants:
Capital Assistance Scheme
Rent Year – 1st January to 31st December.
Tenants occupying accommodation provided under the Capital Assistance Scheme pay a fixed weekly rent. A tenant may qualify for Rent Allowance from the Department of Social Protection.
This scheme is means tested and is administered by the local Community Welfare Officer. Once received tenants can transfer to the Rental Accommodation Scheme (RAS) payable by Carlow County Council.
The set rents are as follows:
- €87 single person
- €102 couple.
Capital Loan and Subsidy Scheme
The Principal Earner:
The principal earner is defined as the person (tenant or other resident) who is in receipt of the highest assessable income. For couples whether married or common law, partner, joint tenants, etc, both incomes will be added together for principal earner purposes, i.e., spouses/partners will not be classed as subsidiary earners.
Rent Calculation:
Rent is assessed at €6.35 for the first €102 of gross income and 18% of the gross income over €102 per week.
Income is based upon the gross income for the previous tax year, that is from January 1st to end of December of the previous year, unless this differs from the current year’s income, in which case the most up-to-date income will be assessed. Rent set operates for the entire year until the next assessment, subject to the changes outlined in 3.4. |
It is at the discretion of Tinteán to review the minimum and maximum levels of rent in line with Carlow Co Council differential rent scheme.
Any changes in the rent calculation will be implemented at the time of the annual rent assessment and at least 4 weeks advance notice will be given to tenants.
Items included as Assessable Income:
- Employment including self-employment
- Social insurance / social assistance payments
- Health board allowances
- FAS training allowances
- CE Schemes, Back to Work, VEC Schemes
- Income from pensions and any other source
- Family Income Supplement
- Spouse maintenance
- Child maintenance
- Income from overtime worked
- Allowances for fostering children
- Income from any other sources not listed above
Items excluded from assessable income:
- Living alone allowance
- Child benefit
- Orphans allowance and orphan benefit
- Allowances for domiciliary care of disabled children.
- Carers allowance unless main payment
- Allowances / assistance received from any charitable organisation
- Christmas bonus payments from the Dept. of Social Welfare
- Dietary and mobility allowances
- Heating and fuel allowances
- Scholarships and HE Grants
The Subsidiary Earner:
A subsidiary earner is defined as a member of the household, other than the principal earner with an assessable income.
All other persons apart from the principal tenants(s) with an income, living in the home should contribute a maximum of €25.39 per week (except children under 18 or an adult under 23 in full time education).
Deduction for Dependent Children:
A deduction of €1.27 is made for each dependent child up to age of 23 if in full time education & without a source of income.
Maximum Rents:
The maximum rent is €180 per week for the principal tenant(s).
Tinteán will review the maximum rent from time to time.
Minimum Rents:
Minimum rent is set at €27.
Rent Year:
The rent year runs from the first July to the 30th June in the following year.
The yearly income of the previous tax year – January to December may be used to derive the weekly income, unless this differs from current yearly income, in which case the most up-to-date income will be used.
During the annual rent review, an Employment Details Certificate/P21 or equivalent must be furnished by tenants to determine historical income.
Three recent payslips or a recent social welfare benefit receipt must be supplied to determine current income.
In the event of such documentation not being produced within the stipulated time, the rent will be assessed at a rate not exceeding the maximum rent.
Capital Loan & Subsidy Scheme (CALF), Mortgage to Rent Scheme, NARPS Leasing Scheme:
The Local Authority Differential Rent Scheme for the county applies. See Local Authority website of your county for details. Carlow County Council Differential Rent Scheme is as follows:
Principle Earner:
The earner with the highest weekly income who is residing in the house as his/her normal place of residence.
Subsidiary Earner(s):
Any earner in the household who is not the principal earner and who is residing in the house as his/her normal place of residence.
Assessable Income:
- Income from employment – gross weekly income less PAYE, PRSI, USC & pension deductions. If income is earned fortnightly, monthly etc., the weekly equivalent shall apply
- Income from self-employment
- Income from Social Welfare payments – in the case of joint tenants, or in the case of a tenant and partner, who receive separate social welfare payments, it will be the combination of these payments that will be taken as the principal earners income
- Back To Work Allowance in accordance with Circular HRT5/94
- Income from maintenance
- Payments from other government departments or state agencies
- Rental and other income from land or property
- Income from pensions
- Income from savings, deposit accounts and investments
- Income from other sources not mentioned above
Evidence of Income:
- Current payslips
- Most recent audited accounts and most recent tax assessment i.e. assessment from the preceding October
- Current Social Welfare receipts
- The local authority may require documentary evidence as it deems appropriate in any case. In the event of such documentation not being produced within the stipulated time, the rent will be assessed at a rate not exceeding the maximum rent.
Income Disregards:
- Child Benefit
- Carer’s Allowance
- Blind Pension
- Domicillary Allowance
- Foster Care/Guardian Allowance
- Fuel Allowance
- Living Alone Allowance
- Over 80’s Allowance
- Fas Training Allowances/Schemes
- Scholarships/Internships
- Higher Education Grants
- Lump Sums
- Shift Allowance/Overtime
The above incomes are disregarded unless they are the primary payment in the household, in which case anything above the base social welfare rate for a comparable household type is disregarded.
- A person under 18 years of age.
- A person over 18 years of age, in full-time education and not in receipt of an income.
Calculation of Rents
In accordance with the terms of the letting agreement, all tenants shall submit to the Council, current income details of each household member and shall notify the Council immediately of any increase or decrease in such income. Failure to submit such documentation, within the stipulated time, will result in the rent being increased to the maximum rent. Rents shall be calculated as follows –
Principal Earners:
20% (1/5) of earnings in excess of €60.00 shall be payable.
Subsidiary Earner(s):
20% (1/5) of earnings in excess of €60.00 shall be payable, subject to a maximum of €22.00 per subsidiary earner.
There shall be a deduction of €3.00 per dependent.
Where the rents calculated in accordance with the preceding paragraphs are not multiples of €1.00, they shall be rounded to the nearest €1.00.
Minimum Rent:
€27.00 per week, regardless of the size of the dwelling.
Maximum Rent:
- Demountable Type Dwellings €25
- Halting Site Bays €30
- All Other Dwellings: €180
Review of Income:
Tenants shall notify Tinteán immediately of any change in income or in family circumstances. All revised rents shall be applicable from the date of change of income/circumstances.
Hardship Clause:
In exceptional circumstances, where essential costs are incurred by households outside of normal weekly running costs, and the payment of differential rent calculated in accordance with this scheme, would in the opinion of the Housing Authority, give rise to hardship, a lesser rent may be accepted for a specified period.
Tinteán rents are calculated with reference to the provisions of the Department of Environment, Community & Local Government, Capital Funding Schemes for the Provision of Rental Accommodation by Approved Housing Bodies (Voluntary & Co-Operative Housing) Memorandum: VHU2/02, May 2002.
By which means can I pay my rent?
There are a variety of different ways in which you can pay your rent including:
- By standing order
- By direct bank lodgement
Resident Queries
Can I keep a Tinteán home for as long as I want to?
You can remain in your home for as long as you wish, provided you don’t breach any of the Letting Agreements agreed to when you initially received your new home.
What happens to my home if I die?
This depends on your initial application and will be assessed on an individual basis by Tinteán. However, if you applied for your home as part of a couple, then your home will transfer to your partner. It should be noted that each case is assessed individually.
I now have a partner and he/she wishes to move in. What do I need to do in order to declare this person as obliged by my letting conditions?
You will need to declare your partner as being a tenant. Please speak with our Office staff.
Maintenance Queries
If I want to make changes in my home, e.g. put in an electric shower, what process should I follow?
Any or all changes to your home must be agreed in writing with Tinteán.
What maintenance items am I responsible for as tenant of Tinteán?
Please consult our Tenant Handbook. You can download the book in the Resident Support section.